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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Top 10 things I learned in my 20's

This weekend I'm turning 30. Man, time sure flies when you're having fun. Well I have grown a lot since 20, and I ain't just talking about the hair that's grown from parts of my body, I never imagined. But mentally, and physically I've grown too.

Here's a lil Don flavor:

top 10 things I learned in my 20's.

10. How to party like a rock star!

9. To let it/him go

8. How to love myself first

7. By my early 20's the kind of man I did not want/ mid 20's the kind of man I did want.

6. That voting is very important

5. How to take care of myself and survive on my own

4. When to keep my mouth closed/ and when to speak up

3. That weight don't fall off as easily as it did at 20

2. That just cause you gave him some, don't make him your man.

1. That no matter how good I've been to others, they still don't owe me ish.

Thank God for allowing me another year, 'cause when I truly reflect on my 20's, there were times I shouldn't have made it.


James Tubman said...

its a good thing you learned that stuff

im having problems with #3 lol

Don said...

1. That no matter how good I've been to others, they still don't owe me ish.

I doubt if I ever learn this lesson. Not with some people I won't.

But I feel what you're saying. I too believe voting matters.

Obama Mama said...

@ don its a lesson that makes life a lil easier. Especially when dealing with family.

shine said...

love the list--especially the lesson of loving urself. i'm learning slowly but surely.